Our Culture

Our Culture

At CenCal Health, we believe our staff is one of our greatest assets – dedicated professionals who share our organization’s values both in and outside the workplace.

As an employer, we strive to be an exceptional place to work with our management philosophy of respect, transparency, and reward. Our employees demonstrate what it truly means to be exceptional through their talents, commitment, and kindness. While each of our over 300 employees fulfill a distinct role within the organization, we are all guided by the same purpose: Deliver compassionate, exceptional service to our most valuable stakeholders.

The values our employees
stand for…

  • Serving and advocating for all customers with excellence.

    • Serving and advocating with kindness, compassion, empathy, and respect
    • Understanding the unique needs of our members, providers, community partners, and one another to provide excellent service

  • Coming together to achieve exceptional results.

    • Valuing the interconnectedness of the diverse communities we are a part of and serve

    • Empowering thoughtful, open, inclusive, and data-based information

    • Ensuring open, honest communication that recognizes everyone’s unique contributions

  • Doing the right thing, even and especially when it is hard.

    • Diligently making, executing, and standing behind shared decisions

    • Committing to and accomplishing collective goals

  • Continually improving to ensure our growth, success, and sustainability.

    • Continually examining our organization for creative and innovative solutions

    • Prioritizing, coordinating, and executing in pursuit of excellence

Our Advisory Committees & Boards

To support optimal health outcomes for our members while also managing funds efficiently and ensuring we meet state/federal policies and regulations, CenCal Health has structured various committees and boards that provide advice and direction regarding health plan operations. The committees and boards include a diverse representation of our community partners, network providers, Board of Directors, employees, as well as members and members’ families. 

California Children’s Services Family Advisory Committee

Alexa Ramirez
Alice Lorenz-Wilcox
Alma Bayquen
Ana Stenersen
Bridgette Hernandez
Daisy Ramirez
Dona Lopez
Dorothy Blasing
Emy Berger
Evelyn Feliciano
Francesca Peterson
Frank Osegueda
Heather Bouvier
Jane Harpster
Jennifer Monge
Katherine Back
Kathy Long
Kristen Collins, RN
Maria Palma
Natalie Angelo
Rea Goumas, MD
Regina Samson
Rhonda Gordon
Rhonda Gordon, MD
Tanesha Castaneda
Tawny Jackson

Ana Cabrera
Ana Stenersen
Arlene Hernandez-Tapia
Ashley Smee
Daisy Ramirez 
Dena Davis
Diana Robles
Eli Rodriguez
Felisa Strickland
Francesca Peterson
Gina Stabile
Jane Harpster
Jennifer Griffin
Marcy Jochim
Mariana Murillo
Natalie Angelo
Patty Moore
Rea Goumas
Sara McGrath
Sarah Sullivan
Sharlene Agrusa
Stephanie Lem
Tamika Harris
Tanesha Castaneda


Family Advisory Committee

Bethany Blacketer, MD
Carlos Hernandez
Chris Hill, RN, MBA
Clarissa Van Cura, RN
Douglas Major, OD
Edward Bentley, MD
Emily Fonda, MD, MMM, CHCQM
Eric Buben
Jeffrey Kaplan, MD
Lauren Geeb, MBA
Marina Owen
Mazharullah Shaik, MD
Michael Collins, DO, MPH, MS
Mimi Hall
Neal Adams, MD, MPH
Noemi Doohan, MD, PhD, MPH
Polly Baldwin, MD
Sheila Thompson, RN
Stephanie Lem, PharmD
Van Do-Reynoso, MPH, PhD

Quality Improvement Committee

Provider Advisory

Adam Butler, MPP
Barbara Brown-Ramirez 
Carmen Obregon
Cathy Slaughter
Chelsee Elliott
Christine Nichols
Dana Goba 
Dusty Keegan
Jordan Turetsky
Karina Orozco
Kathleen Sullivan, RN, MSN
Kieran Shah
Lauren Geeb
Marie Moya
Michael Bordofsky, MD
Nancy Vasquez, MPA
Rahul Vinchhi
Robert Janeway
Sheila Thompson, RN, CPHQ
Steven Clarke
Suzanne Jacobson 
Yolanda Robles

Alejandra Lind
Barbara Clayton
Dan Herlinger
Dana Gamble
Jennifer Nitzel
Jonathan Nibbio
Jose Clemente
Julie Posada
Krystle Kaden
Maria Garcia
Mary Ellen Rehse
Michelle Shoresman
Petra Lowen
Sara MacDonald
Shon Clayton
Susan Liles

Community Advisory Board

Pediatric Clinical Advisory Committee

Ana Stenersen, RN
Andria Ruth, MD
Cindy Blifeld, MD
Emily Fonda, MD, MMM, CHCQM
Gowthamy Balakumaran, MD
Jeff Januska, PharmD
Jillian Davenport, MD, FAAP
Kathleen Long, MD
Kristen Hughes, MD
Mimi Hall
Miriam Parsa, MD
Rea Goumas, MD
Rhonda Gordon, MD
Robert Janeway
Tami Taketani, MD